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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Christmas to Remember Pt. 1

Well, today has been just one day for the memories. Hence, why I decided to write about it. Its so very rare that I get to share good memeories, stuff that will have an impact on the rest of my life that I need to take the chance to remember all of it. So now that its Christmas Eve (4:22 am) I will go ahead and give you a blow by blow. 

Day started out sleeping in late. Tina gave me her bed again and I took advantage of this to mean that I should enjoy the use of such a commidity.  Alan was in rare form when he woke up and I had to put up with his ADD going bonkers. Its okay though. I know that he only does it becuase he wants to fit in. Tina and I then went out shopping, I acually enjoyed this. We found some GREAT presents. Also, picked up a few really fun things for us. (I mean a GIANT cupcake is hard to ignore).  We ended up going to Best Buy, TJMaxx, TGI Fridays for a short respis, then some beauty store, Wal-Mart and JCPenny. JCPenny was terrible, we went there to pick up a quilt for Ingrid (Tina's Mom) and we get to the desk that says "Customer Service", where we wait in a 10 minute line. We finally reach the desk when we hand the not so enthusastic employee looks at the reciept and says "Oh, well you need to be at customer service." We inform this obviously mistaken employee that we are indeed at the Customer Service desk and point out the large sign abover her head. I kid you not, she turns around, reads it, and then says "oh well I meant catalog" It was insane. Shopping was alot of Fun. I enjoyed being with Tina and having fun with her. But the day had to continue. Alas, there were more things to do, some of vast importance.

Well, I came home after talking to Tina and we begin to have dinner. Sweedish Meatballs. Yummy! A+ Mrs. Phillips. After that we picked up Laurie and then headed to bowling. After some shenanigians at the liquor store we make it to bowling. I don't have ANY of my stuff so I bowl horribly. Oh well, it was not about doing well, it was about having fun. Sadly, My stressed out upset stomach would not allow me to enjoy the bowling too much, for after dinner I asked Mr. Phillips if we could talk and he obliged stating that we could talk after bowling. I had suddenly gotten overcome with the most nervous events of all my life. I was about to ask one of the most militaristic men I had ever met if I could marry is daughter. Wow, I was really nervous. So anyways bowling ends and Mr. P says "Your riding with me right?" I confirm his inquiry and we go ahead of shove off. Well after some required small talk about bowling and the weather we get down to business.

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 Well, were in the car and at this point I am fairly sure that the shaking is becuase of nerves not the cold. I mention that I did not specifically ask him for a private metting to shoot the breeze. I ask him if he would grant me his blessing in asking Tina for her hand in Marriage. I mean this was a big step. A smirk and a tear come across his face and he prefaces with reminding me that he has some questions for me first. We talk for about an hour and a half over some coffee at a local coffee place. We have a really good talk, but I am extremly nervous. I hate situations like that, I hate feeling vunerable. But I am able to calm my shakes and we have a really good conversation. It was really nice, he asked me to do a few things for him (which I have been doing) and we get back in the car.  Then finally towards the end of the car ride he agree's and gives me his blessing /phew!

It was a really nice conversation and we enjoyed the heck out of the rest of the night. We went out with Laurie and Ashley and consumed copious amounts of alcohol. 

All and All, a really good night. I got alot closer to Chuck and I got a much better understanding of what makes that man "tick".